
Plan to Learn Clarinet

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I didn’t want to over think methods and get hung up on classical versus jazz up front. I just wanted a reasonable path forward. Essential Elements for Band felt like a reasonable choice.


  • 2023-07-21
    • Disassembled a clarinet
  • 2023-07-24
    • First set of pads delivered
  • 2023-07-26
    • Second set of pads delivered
  • 2023-08-07
    • Started daily practice (gave myself the first star)
  • 2023-08-19
    • Star 2 - 5
  • 2023-08-27
    • Star 6
  • 2023-09-04
    • Star 7
  • 2023-09-10
    • Star 8 and 9
  • 2023-09-14
    • Star 10 and 11
  • 2023-11-15
    • Started making notes with some consistency using the register key. Started mixing in exercises 119-124 with my practice.
  • 2023-12-30
    • played through the first register quiz somewhat cleanly. No squeaks or big rhythm misses but could sound smoother.
  • 2024-02-10
    • star 17 (ex 125) sounded good enough for me to accept. I’m playing over the break more consistently, but not consistent yet.

Over the Break Plateau

Once I got to the exercises that incorporate the register key progress slowed down for me quite a bit.

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