
Arduinoboy Build Notes

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I’ve been enjoying LSDJ recently and building an Arduinoboy was the next “logical” step. I’ve also been itching for an excuse to mill a PCB on my CNC. This felt like a project that was simple enough to finish, but complicated enough that I’d benefit from the milled PCB.

I stumbled upon a schematic in this forum post by way of this blog post. PNG is not the most convenient way to express a circuit, but I’m glad to have found it.

Arduinoboy Black and White

I opened the PNG in inkscape and traced it as a vector. From there, I exported an SVG to import into Fusion 360.

PCB Simulation

Millin’ Time

Once I had that sorted out I sent it over to my MPCNC. Milled PCB

Time to solder!

Following this image, I soldered it up.

PCB Schematic

To avoid damaging the link cable, I ordered up a breakout PCB.

Final(ish) Results

Here is a shot of my custom PCB wired up to my Gameboy Advance SP.

Soldered up

In a slick Enclosure

And here it is all finished up in a custom enclosure I designed.

Arduinoboy Finished


Note about your Everdrive choice, LSDJ is a Gameboy game, not GBA. If you go with the GBA, there is an emulator and you can use LSDJ through emulation. There’s a big but there though. Saving songs doesn’t work in LSDJ through emulation. I own both and use them in diffferent contexts. For the smoothest LSDJ experience, buy the Gameboy version. If you’re looking to play with stepper, that’s a Gameboy Advanced game.

Note: Links to amazon have an affiliate tag on them. That happens to be where I do a lot of shopping and all of those components are the one’s I’ve used and can confirm work for me.


Board Dimensions

1.875 x 1.55 in.

Link Cable Pins


Really you only need 3 wires: Gound, Clock, and Data Input. https://forum.arduino.cc/t/arduino-gameboy-midi-communication/7151/4

Looks like clock is missing by design on GBA link cables.



  • 2024-02-12 Milled
  • 2024-02-15 Soldered
  • 2024-02-21 Functioning
  • 2024-02-26 In an Enclosure

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