
10 Drupal modules you should be using

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I make a lot of websites with Drupal. Since I do this a lot, I’ve been spending time working on a way to speed up and/or automate the process as much as possible. This distraction project had the fortunate byproduct of the following list.

This is a list of modules that tend to make it into every Drupal project I build these days. These modules are mostly about extending Drupal as a CMS, so they’ll enhance just about any kind of site. They are the modules that will make your admin users happy and likely reduce the support calls you get (making you happy).

  1. Markdown Filter - Markdown is a great compromise between WYSIWTF editors and expecting users to learn HTML. It’s also faster to write even if you do know HTML.
  2. Typogrify - It’s unreasonable to ask mortals to type the necessary html to create proper quotes.
  3. CCK Blocks - Hide fields from the body of the content and display them in a block someplace. This is a great tool for making more interesting layouts to showcase custom content types.
  4. Menu Block - It does more, but I mostly use this to create separate navigation elements that are bound to one trail of links.
  5. Block Class - Add arbitrary classes to blocks.
  6. Block Title Link - Handy for linking a list of teasers to a view
  7. Webform - I like this better than the core contact form because it saves all entries to the database.
  8. Scheduler - Create an unpublished node and cron will publish later.
  9. Menu Trail By Path - Usually does exactly what I need for keeping the menu path preserved.
  10. Backup and Migrate - Let the robots back up your content. This module not only makes backups, but also prunes your backups on a schedule you set.

I made a point to not list any of the top 10 most downloaded modules, because I figure those are easy enough to find on your own. Let me know if you find this useful.

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